DMS Project timetable
(Documentation on this page and related pages describes how we intended to realize the system. Most of the text was written before January 2001. Up to date description of the realized system is at DMS Home .)
Project specification. Learning about HTML.February
CGI experiments on lea.Learning about HTML.
Laboratory pages and pages about the project will be prepared.
CGI experiments on lea.PC for the server will be ordered.
Preparation of the general data mining literature and www references.
PC and Linux Redhat 6.2. will be installed.CGI will be enabled.
First experiments with Level A data mining on the DMS.Most of data mining documentation is on the DMS.
Encoding software for user data (downloadable) is prepared.
Level A is working.Expert level documentation is on the DMS.
Users guide for level A is prepared.August
Reliability tests on level A.Level B is realized (optional).
Complete documentation with examples is prepared.
Report and system presentation is prepared.Practical tests with level A.
Documentation and tests with level B (optional).
© 2001 LIS - Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Last modified: September 08 2015 09:28:57.