DMS Home

Project description

Home page for DMS project in the development phase

(Documentation on this page and related pages describes how we intended to realize the system. Most of the text was written before January 2001. Up to date description of the realized system is at DMS Home .)

Data mining server is a project supported by Croatian Ministry of science and technology at Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Laboratory for information systems. Project leader is D.Gamberger, collaborators are T.Smuc and I.Maric.

Project started 03.Nov.2000. and it should be terminated in one year.

The goal of the project is realization of an on-line server with a data mining (DM) tool. The server will contain general information about data mining approaches and solutions as well as specific information about the implemented tool and how to use it. The tool will be based on the ILLM (Inductive Learning by Logic Minimization) machine learning concept and its software implementations developed in Rudjer Boskovic Institute.

The server will enable to potential users to learn, we hope easy and fast, both about basic and expert level data mining concepts. By simple browser based interface the user will be able to upload own data to the server, start the search process, and receive induced knowledge in form of rules. This approach is expected to be especially convenient for small and novice data mining users. The advantages of the approach are that users do not need to install and maintain own data mining tools. During the project development it is especially intended to try to simplify user interface as much as possible and to enable in this way that data mining tool can be effectively used by the very broad population of internet users.

The final product, Data Mining Server, is a product strongly connected to WWW. But, the development of the product will be also completely WWW based. It means that all technical documentation including project specifications, plans, suggestions, programs, and descriptions will be prepared as html documents which will be on-line. is the place where collaborators will put their results. Practically everybody will be able to read them and to follow the project development day by day. Entry points are links at the top of this page.

Suggestions are welcome on E-mail address .

© 2001 LIS - Rudjer Boskovic Institute
Last modified: September 08 2015 09:28:57.